Georgia State Student Anatomy Society
Our commitment to each member!
At GSSAS, our mission is to provide students with unique opportunities to learn and grow in the medical field. We believe in redefining the way students learn by offering hands-on experiences and practical application of knowledge gained in the classroom. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to provide research opportunities, educational workshops, volunteering opportunities, and involvement/preparation for various STEM/Medical competitions. We strive to create an inclusive community where anyone can get involved and gain leadership skills. Our organization values rigorous academia, a passion for STEM and medicine, and inclusivity.

How we drive impact!
STEM/Medical Opportunities
Joining GSSAS means you are gaining access to a wide variety of opportunities that are meant to enrich your passion for STEM while providing an opportunity to learn beyond the class. All opportunities are impact-driven to ensure that we are creating a positive change in some manner.
Student Led Initiatives
Members of GSSAS are encouraged to be creative and collaborate with others. Members can create and present ideas that they create through our platform. Interested members can fill out an "Innovator form" where members can give ideas that they would like to implement. Upon approval, members can independently lead that project under GSSAS in any way they please.
Building a community
At GSSAS, we want to build a community focused on collaborating efforts towards a greater good. GSSAS is constantly working with other high schools, school clubs, and organizations to provide meaningful collaboration events in the form of service projects, research, and much more.
How to join GSSAS?
Simply join the public GroupMe to get involved and get access to all the opportunities
Does it cost money to join (membership fee)?
No, GSSAS is completely free to join
Are there any applications for opportunities or are they open to everyone?
The majority of opportunities from GSSAS are entirely open and accessible to anyone interested in participating in them. We want the opportunity to be open to those with various levels of experience
Do I have to register for my school?
If you are one of few students who are from your school you have the opportunity to register and officially be a part of GSSAS. This is a great opportunity to grow as a leader and represent your school as a school representative, however, if your school is already joined you can simply join the GSSAS Group Me and get involved.
What kinds of opportunities are in GSSAS?
GSSAS has a mix of academic and volunteering opportunities. You can expect to get involved in research papers, medical volunteering, attend key medical workshops that teach skills and information across various subjects like radiology, Biotech, surgery, ER, etc., and gain access to resources to help compete in competitions like USABO and ChemOlympiad. Additionally, GSSAS hosts our inter-school quiz bowl-style competitions.
Leadership Structure?
GSSAS consists of four types of leadership: State Officers, local School representatives, Subcommittee Leads, and member innovators. The first three are application-based and selected by the State Officers. Even if a member doesn't get elected as an officer, members can lead their independent projects and ideas by filling out the "Innovator form" allowing you to lead and organize an event, opportunity, or project for GSSAS in whatever way you see fit.
Are there any other questions we didn't answer? contact our email below and we will answer any questions you have!